Your Online Reputation Matters

Every minute, businesses are being shaped by consumers who are exchanging dialogue and sharing reviews about them online.

Uncover  your business’s marketing performance in the following six key performance area online…

Business Listings

The Snapshot Report aggregates data from over 70 directories to show your business:

  • Number of listings
  • Accuracy of listings
  • Missing sites

Local businesses need accurate listings on a lot of business directories to ensure people can find them online.

Put yourself on the map with an abundance of accurate listings.



The Snapshot Report aggregates data from over 30 customer review sites to highlight:

  • Number of reviews
  • Recency of reviews
  • Average score

Local businesses must continually collect fresh reviews and strive for a 4-5 star review rating to establish trust and credibility.

Help your business make a stellar first impression.

Social Media

The Snapshot Report pits a your business’s social presence against that of similar businesses in regards to:

  • Number of posts
  • Size of audience

Local businesses must keep their followers engaged to grow their audience and build brand loyalty.

Grow your engagement, grow your audience.


The Snapshot Report leverages Google PageSpeed Insights to assess a your business’s website for:

  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Content
  • Load speed

Local businesses need a mobile-friendly site that delivers the information people seek in order to make buying decisions.

Turn conversions up to 10.

Digital Advertising

The Snapshot Report recommends keywords that will generate the most impressions and clicks for your prospects. The report also identifies how your business stack up against your competitors. Compare:

  • Keyword overlap
  • Number of paid keywords
  • Monthly paid clicks
  • Monthly ad budget

Local businesses need to own the right keywords to ensure that their target audience knows about them.

Uncover golden opportunities with search, social, and display advertising.


The Snapshot Report identifies how your business’ organic keyword performance stacks up against your competitors’. Compare:

  • Keyword overlap
  • Number of keywords
  • Monthly clicks
  • Monthly value of clicks

Local businesses need to own popular keywords to ensure potential customers find them before their competitors.

Get your business to climb to the top spot.

Try creating a Snapshot Report, right now!

Enter your first name, your email address, and the name of a business you’d like to gather insights on. We’ll scan the business and send you a report within a few minutes.

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